Thursday, March 5, 2020

Benefits Of Working With A Recruiter

Benefits Of Working With A Recruiter Image: rawpixel via Help with finding a job Anyone who has gone through the job search process, whether it was for a part-time job or their first post-grad job, knows how stressful it can be to find a job. There are so many job search sites out there that it can be overwhelming to think about searching through all of them and applying for all of the jobs you are interested in can be intimidating. A  recruiter  can help you find the jobs that fit your qualifications so you are not applying for jobs that do not match your skills. Also, recruiters will help you get your  resume  together. They know exactly what hiring managers are looking for and will help you tailor your resume to make you stand out as an excellent match for the position. Even if you do not have a ton of professional experience, recruiters can help you showcase other experience so that you are able to get at least an interview. The recruiters also know about the salary and benefits for each position so they can help you decide what works best for your situation. Most job boards do not post the salary and you otherwise would not hear about the salary until you are offered the position. Having this information ahead of time can save you the hassle of applying for a job with a lower salary than you are looking for. Free service Recruiters are paid by the staffing agency, so you get the service for free. Many college students and recent grads want to save money for living expenses and paying off loans, so recruiters are a great resource. Some job search resources may require payment, so if you can get job search help for free, take advantage of the opportunity. You are more prepared for interviews and the job itself Many times, recruiters know the hiring managers for companies. They know what they expect in their interviews, which they pass to you so you can prepare accordingly. This is information that you might not be able to find on your own unless you know someone at the company you are interviewing at. Also, since the recruiter knows your strengths, they will be able to match you with the best job and company for you. They have information about the job benefits and the company culture that you might not get otherwise. This will help you find a job you love and are passionate about. Access to connections The saying, “It’s not what you know; it’s who you know” is very true in any career field. Recruiters have a lot of connections to hiring managers in the field you want to get into. This will help you find a job since the recruiter will likely be alerted by managers when job opportunities pop up. It is crucial to get your resume into the right hands as soon as a position you are interested in opens, so working with a recruiter is helpful since they may have access to first dibs on open positions. Feedback about interviews When you apply for a job and get an interview, you will likely not hear any feedback about the interview unless you got the position. Sometimes you do not even hear back if you did not get the job. However, recruiters can contact the interviewer and ask for feedback as to why you did not get the job. This will help you moving forward since you will be able to fix your mistakes and know how to prepare for next time. Waiting to hear back, even if you got the position, can take a little bit. If you need to plan things, such as leaving a current workplace or relocating, it is important to know whether or know you got the job so that you can plan accordingly. Knowing that you got the job can help eliminate the stress of having to make drastic changes at the last minute. Knowing that you did not get the position allows you to move on with the job search process. Confidentiality When you post your resume online, you run the risk of your current employer seeing that you are working on switching jobs. This can make your current workplace stressful and your manager vengeful. However, working with a recruiter allows you and potential employers to be the only ones who know that you are looking for a job. The job search process can be stressful, especially if you are doing it alone and have no idea where to start. With the help of a recruiter, you can be sure that you are well on your way to a job.

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